Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jordan Bebre-Medhin, remembered: Dec. 14. 2008

We filmed an amazing and very different sort of event today, having been hired, just yesterday, by the best friend of the daughter of a man who just died on Friday. We filmed his memorial service and reception. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful celebration of a much beloved, giant of a man;remembered for his kindness, his wisdom, and political tenacity. He taught in the African American Department of NorthEastern University. He made music and had time for his friends, his family, his world. Throughout the day his community spoke and spoke to us about him; of moments shared.Of gratitude for having shared them. Of a life well-lived.

Jordan Bebre-Medhin (or Jordan as everyone called him) was sent off to his next adventure to the music of a gospel quintet at the door to the chapel in Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge. A jazz singer, and long time friend, sang "Georgia", and "Amazing Grace' from the first row. Friend and family member shared their piece of the experience, that was the man, with love and gratitude. Young and old gathered to celebrate the blessing that was Jordan's life.

We will be editing it this week as a Christmas gift for Jordan's family. Our client told us she wanted something to give to Jordan's grand children so they could know their grandfather. I am so very honored to be helping to secure that legacy.

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